Senin, 04 Agustus 2008

lowongan kerja

An Engineering, Procurement, Installation, Construction and
Commissioning Company majoring in oil and gas industry is immediately
seeking highly motivated and experience lowongan kerja professional with excellent
track record to fill positions of :

A. Sr. Piping Engineer
B. Sr. Project Engineer
C. Sr. Proposal Engineer
D. Sr. Buyer
E. Process Engineer
F. Instrument Engineer
G. Electrical Engineer


* Min. 7-10 years experience for position A & B

* Min. 5 years experience for position C-E

* Min. 3 years experience for position F-G

* Preferable from Electrical Background (Position C)

* Having experience in oil & gas industry especially in EPCI
company (all position)

If you meet the requirements, please send your comprehensive resume with
recent photograph & contact number in MS Word format only in English
with current & expected salary. Please indicate the position as email
subject to:

recruitment@ istakala. com

All applicants will be treated as strictly confidential. Only a short
list of candidates will be Interviewed.

lowongan kerja

We are from ERHA Inspiration, a recruitment consultancy. Our client, a Multinational Company for Heavy Equipment and Electrical Motor in Jakarta , look for suitable candidates to fill the post of:

1. Sales manager - 2 Persons (Jakarta & Surabaya), Code: DPTM lowongan kerja
Major Responsibilities : for achieving sales target with maintaining relationship, identifying and visiting key account customers of our business activities.
Function : sales
Location : Jakarta and Surabaya
Age Requirement : any
Gender Preference : any
Languages :
Written : Indonesia & English (good) Employee need to make report in English
Spoken: Indonesia & English (average)
Years of Experience : 3 years (1 years in managerial level)
Industry Preferences : same industry
Note : candidate should have a detail achievement and a subordinate, don’t have alto phobia (Takut ketinggian)
Client : Industrial companies, Contractors, Heavy Equipment, manufacturing

2. Sales Engineer - 4 Persons (Code: SEMD)
Major Responsibilities : achieving sales target with maintaining relationship, identifying and potential customers of our business activities.
Function : sales
Location : Jakarta
Age Requirement : any
Languages :
Written : Indonesia & English (average)
Spoken: Indonesia & English (average)
Years of Experience : 1 - 3 years
Industry Preferences : same industry
Client : Industrial companies, Contractors, Heavy Equipment, manufacturing

Competencies for above positions
 Account Planning
 Influencing Executives
 Strategic Sales Planning
 Territory Management
 Value Selling
 Communication skill

3. Senior Sales Engineer – Electrical Motor (Code: SSEM)
Major Responsibilities : managing new business, achieving sales target with maintaining relationship, identifying and potential customers of our business activities.
Has good knowledge of market & in selling industrial goods that related to mechanical & electrical (not electronic/ IT)
Function : sales (report to division sales manager)
Location : Jakarta
Age Requirement : late 20, early 30
Gender Preference : any
Education Background : Bachelor - Engineering Mechanical & Electrical
Languages :
Written : Indonesia & English (average)
Spoken: Indonesia & English (average)
Years of Experience : 3-5 years
Industry Preferences : same industry
Computer Literacy :
Client : Steel Industry, Oil & Gas, Fertilizer, Mining

If you feel you are the right person for the vacant position above, just send your CV to (Put the position code in the e-mail Subject!!!!) :

recruitment@ erhainspiration. com Or feindy@erhainspirat

or you may forward this information to any friends or relatives who might be the right person required

Thanks and best regards,
Human Resource Indonesia

lowongan kerja

Sebuah Lembaga Pendidikan yang sedang berkembang di Batam membutuhkan
tenaga TENTOR untuk bidang studi:

1. IPS (Ekonomi, geografi, sosiologi, antropologi)

2. Bahasa Indonesia lowongan kerja


1. Lulusan S1/D3 dari Universitas Negeri/Ternama

2. Berpengalaman min : 1 Tahun

3. Single, umur max : 27 Tahun

4. Humoris, memiliki teknik mengajar yang baik

5. Bersedia ditempatkan di Batam

Kirimkan lamaran lengkap (CV + pasphoto) Ke: ELC Ruko Perumnas PEMDA I
No 31 Batu Aji Batam Telp: 0778-364353 Attn: Ibu Menda atau email ke:

lowongan kerja


sebuah konsultan keamanan professional membutuhkan :


* Pria & Wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal SLTA
* Mempunyai sertifikat diksar POLRI
* Bersedia dirotasi
* Tinggi badan minimal 165 cm lowongan kerja( Pria ), 160 cm ( Wanita )


Kerja sama dengan sebuah bank central / swasta di Indonesia Membutuhkan
beberapa tenaga profesional sebagai :

* Usia Maksimal 30 tahun

* Penampilan rapi, menarik

* Pendidikan minimal SLTA

* Diutamakan pengalaman minimal 1 tahun

* Komunikatif, Ramah dan Sopan

* menguasai daerah JABODETABEK

* Mempunyai kendaraan Roda 2, SIM C

Kirim / ANTAR lamaran ke :


Jl. Dukuh III No. 8C Kramat Jati, Jakarta Timur ( Dekat Tamini Square /
Perempatan Garuda )


Email : premium.job@ premconst. Com

lowongan kerja

- Male or Female, age 23 – 28 years old
- Bachelor Degree in any discipline from reputable university with GPA min 3.00
- Min 1 year experience in advertising agency, client relations, marketing promotion division in FMCG, Banking and Telecommunication Company (Value Added Service – VAS division)
- Have knowledge of Mobile Telecommunication industry, On line game and media industry
- Have knowledge of financial project and budgeting
- Presentation and negotiation skill
- Proactive, self motivated, good networking, business target
- Good communication in English both oral and written

Job description:
- Making business plan interactive media, implementation and evaluating
- Good networking with Telecommunication Operator
- Project initiator to develop inventory from advertising placement in Mobile Media

Please submit your update CV in detail + recent photo to: toen@iconwork. com or iconwork@cbn. Details: www.iconwork. com.

lowongan kerja

Workshop Program
08.30 - 17.00 WIB
DAY 1 (Basic E-DiSC )
Background of EXPANDED DISC
The Behavioral Styles
Walk-through of typical half-day workshop
Interpreting the Personal Analysis
Interpreting the Work Pair Analysis
Advanced Interpretation Techniques

DAY 2 (Advance E-DiSC)
Scoring, Application & Interpretation.
Scoring, Application & Interpretation
Scoring, Application & Interpretation
Scoring, Application & Interpretation

What will you get?
This basic certification training includes:
1. Personal Style Analysis Report Generation Software (CD Installer) for 100 assessments ($300 value)
2. Manuals
3. Training materials, case practices in CD format (Softcopy)
4. Bahasa Indonesia version Questionnaires (Format A)
5. Validated alternative Format B --> for validation
6. Customized delivery options for reports
7. Certificate of completion

* Wonderlic Aptitude Test
* CCT (Color Code Test) Hartman
* E-Test for Career Development:
- E-Career Advancement Test
- E-Goal Setting Test
- E-Leadership Test
- E-Emotional Inteliggence Test
- E-Ability Test
- E-Motivation Inventory
- E-MindStyle Inventory
- E-Personality Style Inventory
* Culture Assessment

lowongan kerja

The EXPANDED DISC has been developed from original vrsion in the last six years. This version was develop by organization who leads in technology and know-how in so many fields, is now home to the worlds most advanced assessment system. It has 2 validated format in bahasa Indonesia and customized delivery reports options.

provides certification workshop in EXPANDED DISC products toHR Profesional as consultants, managers, trainers etc. in business and human resource/human capital, personal development, and organizational development.

The EXPANDED DISC products help delivers these outcomes for your employees or clients:
- Advanced and comprehensive interpretation of 4 Factors System for Strategic Business Process Diagnosis
- Tap into core strengths for top performance and leadership
- Accelerate team cohesiveness and consensus through Team Culture Analysis
- Optimize how to listen and respond for maximum impact

Why The Expanded DISC?

The EXPANDED DISC has been developed from original version in the last six years. This version was develop by organization who leads in technology and know-how in so many fields, is now home to the worlds most advanced assessment system.

Most of Psychologist and Non-Psychologist who use old DISC already upgrade their assessment to EXPANDED DISC. They like the enhanced technical and application capabilities of the EXPANDED DISC, as well as the fair and reasonable price. So, join the hundreds of organizations that have upgraded theirs assessment to Expanded DISC.

lowongan kerja

A. Tata Laksana Bidang Ekspor
1. Pengertian Ekspor
2. Jenis Barang Ekspor dan Kewenangan Ekspor
a. Jenis Barang Ekspor
b. Kewenangan Ekspor
3. Pemberitahuan Ekspor Barang (PEB)
a. Penggunaan Dokuman Pemberitahuan Ekspor Barang
b. Jenis Pemberitahuan Ekspor Barang
c. Cara Pengisian dokumen PEB
4. Prosedur Ekspor Barang dengan PEB
a. Prosedur Pendaftaran PEB
b. Pemasukan Barang Ekspor ke Kawasan Pabean
c. Pemeriksaan Pabean atas Barang Ekspor
d. Pembatalan Ekspor
e. Pembetulan atau Perubahan Isi PEB
f. Kewajiban Pengangkut
5. Pajak Ekspor
a. Jenis Barang yang Dikenakan Pajak Ekspor
b. Tata Cara Perhitungan Pajak Ekspor
c. Harga Patokan Ekspor (HPE)

B. Tata Laksana Bidang Impor
1. Pengertian Impor
2. Kedatangan Sarana Pengangkut dan Kedatangan Barang Impor
a. Kedatangan Sarana Pengangkut
b. Kedatangan Barang Impor
3. Dokumen Pemberitahuan Pabean dan Cara Pengisiannya
a. Pemberitahuan Rencana Kedatangan Sarana Pengangkut
b. Pemberitahuan Kedatangan/Keberang katan Sarana Pengangkut
c. Pemberitahuan Impor Barang (PIB)
d. Pemberitahuan Impor Barang Tertentu (PIBT)
e. Pemberitahuan Pengangkutan Barang Impor dari satu Tempat ke Tempat Lain Dalam
Pengawasan Pabean
4. Pengeluaran Barang Impor
a. Ketentuan Umum
b. Dokuman Pengeluaran Barang Impor untuk Dipakai
c. Pengeluaran Barang Impor dengan Dokuman PIB
d. Pengeluaran Barang Impor Tertentu
e. Pengeluaran Barang untuk tujuan Impor Sementara
f. Pengeluaran Barang untuk Kawasan Berikat
g. Pengeluaran Barang untuk Tempat Penimbunan Sementara (TPS)
h. Pengeluaran Barang untuk Diangkut Lajut
i. Pengeluaran Barang untuk Diekspor Kembali
5. Pungutan Negara Dalam Rangka Impor
a. Bea Masuk
b. Bea Masuk Imbalan
c. Bea Masuk Antidumping
d. Cukai
e. Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN)
f. Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) Pasal 22

Siapa yang harus ikut
Praktisi Ekspor & Impor, Purchasing Manager, serta semua orang yang berminat pada bidang Ekspor & Impor

lowongan kerja

Karena pentingnya pekerjaan ekspor & impor dalam implementasi dilapangan, Whitehouse Consulting mengadakan workshop dengan tema “How to be Export Import Professional” dimana peserta akan diajak bersama sama melihat lebih dalam lagi fungsi dan peran manajerial dari Ekspor & Impor serta kewajiban yang harus dilakukan dalam mendukung visi & misi perusahaan.

Latar Belakang
Kegiatan Ekspor Impor merupakan faktor penentu dalam menentukan roda perekonomian di negara kita. Kegiatan yang utama ini tanpa disadari merupakan faktor penentu dalam perusahaan yang mana core bisnisnya ada di ekspor & impor.

Bila kita bicara tentang Ekspor-Impor maka yang akan terlintas dibenak kita adalah Proses Kepabeanan serta Bea dan Cukai sebagai badan yang bertanggung jawab sebagai pengawas dan pelaksana dilapangan. Bea dan Cukai jelas mempunyai peran dalam melancarkan arus barang, dokuman dan orang, tetapi disadari pula bahwa kelancaran arus barang, dokumen dan orang ini tidak semata-mata berada di pundak Bea dan Cukai saja melainkan juga seluruh pihak yang terlibat seperti PPJK (Pengusaha Jasa Kepabeanan), Exportir maupun Importir.

Karena pentingnya pekerjaan ekspor & impor dalam implementasi dilapangan, Whitehouse Consulting mengadakan workshop dengan tema “How to be Export Import Professional” dimana peserta akan diajak bersama sama melihat lebih dalam lagi fungsi dan peran manajerial dari Ekspor & Impor serta kewajiban yang harus dilakukan dalam mendukung visi & misi perusahaan.

1. Peserta diharapkan mampu memahami fungsi dan peran manajerial Ekspor & Impor didalam organisasi sesuai dengan visi & misi perusahaan
2. Peserta sanggup mengantisipasi dan menyelesaikan masalah-masalah darurat yang terjadi
3. Peserta mengerti dan memahami PEB & PIB, Pajak Ekspor, Prosedur Ekspor Barang dengan PEB & PIB, serta Bea masuk dan Pajak Impor.
4. Peserta mampu menganalisa kinerja departemen Ekspor & Impor dan mengoptimalkan area yang masih memerlukan peningkatan

lowongan kerja

We are representing reputable mining and oil & gas fabrication company is
urgently required to fill the managerial level in the operation team for the
following positions :




Workshop Manager

Workshop Department - Site Services Division

Site Manager


* To manage workshop activities to enable to complete the work
timely, as per the required quality and at a budgeted cost.

* To ensure resources in factory floor is used efficiently and

* To liaise with customers on all issues related to the workshop

* To ensure that all personnel in the shop floor comply with the
safety standard.

* To work together with other department at site to achieve site

* To increase knowledge of sub ordinates in how to run the


*Customer satisfaction.

*Free loss time injury.


Age & health

*30 - 40 years

*Good health and mobility


*Result oriented.

*Good team member.

*Customer Service Oriented

*People management


* Understand and speak English fluently.

* Steel fabrication works.

* Welding process in general and FCAW in particular.

*Machining process in general and in particular line boring operation.

*Failure Analysis and Metallurgy

*CAT Repair Procedure and CAT system.

Past experience

*Work as boilers maker, minimum 5 years.

*Have done supervisory work for at least 3 years.

*Dealing with the structural repair of mobile equipment at mine site,
minimum 5 years.

*Work in a team, not in isolation.

Candidate with extensive technical experience combining with adequate
managerial skills is welcome to apply for the above positions.

Please send your resume to :